Best Practices

Retirement home Gradišče

Retirement home Gradišče from Dornberk was built in 1982. In the desire for a complete renovation of the building, the institution decided for a comprehensive energy rehabilitation of the building. They managed to obtain funds from the Cohesion Fund. The remaining funds for the completion of the project were raised from the financial instrument Loans for the comprehensive energy rehabilitation of public buildings. It is a Fund of Funds program managed by SID Bank.



Gradišče Retirement Home is a public social institution that offers institutional care, basic and additional care, nursing and occupational therapy services and other social, cultural and leisure activities to 143 patients. Today, the home is already in a rather poor condition (energy wasted, poorly insulated, most of the lighting is outdated and energy inefficient). Energy rehabilitation will enable long-term savings in fixed heating costs (replacement of worn-out heating devices and heaters, better ventilation, better thermal insulation) and consequently a better standard and quality of living.

Vanja Cotič, Head of the Financial and Accounting Service at Retirement Home Gradišče: "Among all the banks from which we received offers, SID Bank's offer was the most favorable. The most important thing for us was the low interest rate, without the cost of approving the loan and the moratorium. We have had excellent cooperation with their staff so far, they have provided us with all the necessary assistance in approving a long-term loan, and we believe that this will continue to be the case in the future.“

The investment in comprehensive energy rehabilitation will undoubtedly increase the quality of life of the care recipients, contribute to the reduction of operating costs at home and at the same time contribute to environmental goals.

The most important factor in choosing the bank was the low interest rate, without the cost of approving the loan and the moratorium.

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million €
Financial intermidiaries founds
million €
Founds for final recipients
22. November 2021

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