With SID Bank long-term loans was built a new parking garage in the Municipality of Koper
Due to the growing need for parking spaces for residents, daily migrants and other visitors, the Municipality of Koper has decided to build a public underground parking garage under the Muzejski trg in Koper. To finance the construction, the Municipality obtained two long-term loans from SID Bank in the total amount of four million euros.
SID Bank financed the project with the aim of ensuring the most favourable financing conditions, combining European cohesion funds and SID Bank's own resources. The Municipality of Koper was provided with one loan within the development and incentive program for financing municipalities, and the other loan under the urban development loan program from the SID Bank Fund, where European cohesion funds are available.
The new, underground parking garage, is crucial for traffic regulation in the old city centre. Its main purpose is to relieve the burden on the historic city centre by gradually reducing motor traffic in the city and the withdrawal of parking spaces in the underground floors, as it will provide as many as 466 parking spaces.
With the realization of the underground garage project, the municipality achieved the following goals:
- reduction of traffic and urban environmental burden,
- renovation and revitalization of degraded urban areas,
- traffic relief while ensuring better traffic accessibility,
- improving traffic safety in town Koper,
- improving the attractiveness of the existing tourist offer of the city of Koper by providing a larger number of parking spaces,
- orderliness and attractiveness of open urban areas and city shores,
- regulation of access and usability of areas for the elderly and functionally disabled,
- establishing better and additional connections between urban areas and the coast and the city center.
By financing the construction of the Koper parking garage in SID Bank, we encourage investments in local infrastructure and the relief of old city cores, as well as the use of more environmentally friendly modes of transport.
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Do konca leta je v okviru Sklada skladov in Sklada skladov Covid-19 na voljo skupno 93 milijonov evrov sredstev
Do konca leta je v okviru Sklada skladov in Sklada skladov Covid-19 prek različnih finančnih instrumentov na voljo skupno 93 milijonov evrov sredstev.
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