OLLO Audio d.o.o.
The story of OLLO Audio began when the founder, Rok Gulič, tried to mix a CD at home for his music group. When he was looking for a solution that would not constantly wake up the family, but would still allow for quality mixing, he found that this is a problem that many audio engineers face. Curious nature and an entrepreneurial streak encouraged him to start making the first prototype in his father's workshop in the middle of the Vipava Valley. 2 years later, he had a product ready that combined promising results with a combination of natural materials and innovative acoustic engineering. Good first reactions from the market encouraged Rok to join the Primorska Technology Park and apply for the P2 tender of the Slovenian Entrepreneurial Fund.
In the second year after its establishment he doubled its revenues, in the third year it increased tenfold, and in 2020 it exceeded half a million in revenues. The growth required additional funds to ensure sufficient working capital, which the company obtained in the form of two micro-loans from SID Bank, concluded with the intermediary Primorska hranilnica d. d.
With its own funds and loans, the company has successfully entered the global pro audio equipment market and become a profitable company that now employs 7 people. The buyers of their products are engineers from world-renowned musicians who work with U2, Adele, Lady Gaga, Ariano Grande, Radiohead, Muse and many others.
We are working to change the way audio engineers experience audio equipment, inspiring them to go beyond what is considered standard and consequently bring more freedom and flexibility to their work.
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Do konca leta je v okviru Sklada skladov in Sklada skladov Covid-19 na voljo skupno 93 milijonov evrov sredstev
Do konca leta je v okviru Sklada skladov in Sklada skladov Covid-19 prek različnih finančnih instrumentov na voljo skupno 93 milijonov evrov sredstev.
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